Empowerment Coaching, Cognitive Therapy
(30, 60 or 90 minutes)

WORKSHOP:  1½ Hour Zoom, Phone OR In Person
Energy Medicine – A Prescription for Empowerment
Discover Your Energy Body & Strengthen Intuition

Why This Workshop?  What is energy? We know we usually want more of it. We know that sometimes it's high and sometimes it low. What we often do not understand is what supports our energy and what drains it.  This Workshop introduces you to your energy body, the electromagnetic field of energy that runs through and around your body. Learn grounding, running energy and how to focus your energy in effective ways. Set and maintain healthy boundaries in personal and professional relationships. We are all senders and receivers of energy.  This workshop guides you to developing and working with your own energy as well as the abilities associated with this awareness. You will receive a recording the day after the workshop that will be made as part of the workshop to listen to regularly and eventually learn so you will not have to listen.  In the recording you will:

Experience your energy as it moves through your energy channels.
Experience grounding to feel centered, connected and focused.
Learn how and why to run energy.
chakras (energy centers located in the body)
Regulate and Direct Your Energy In Positive Intentional Ways
Identify and Develop your Intuitive Psychic Abilities

When?  Flexible – day, evening and weekend times available
Where?  Zoom, Phone OR West Haven, CT. location 

Fee:  $75.00 Special for this workshop. Schedule your date and time. Email to:  info@judithoconnor.com or call or text to: 203-481-8773.                  Then What?  Follow up with Judith if you feel the workshop uncovered blocked energy and/or areas that need to be further understood and healed.  Sessions and programs are informational with many handouts to be mailed or emailed as well as experiential with exercises that promote healing and self empowerment.  Receive your free phone consultation if you are interested in any of her work.  Review this website as well as  MysticsByTheSea.com 





Kiss Your Therapist Goodbye

A  Self  Awareness  Program

  • ​​​Kiss Your Therapist Goodbye, ASAP Signature Program – 2 to 8 sessions (Read full description under tab Signature Program.)

  • Life Coaching:  Coaching sessions are designed to provide guidance and support to help clients become grounded and clear in what they would like to see happen in their future.  Coaching zeroes in on short and long term goals, how to prioritize and create action plans.   Certified Professional Coach – Fowler Wainwright International Institute of Professional  Coaching,

  • Relationship Empowerment Program -- This personalized program supports any two individuals in any kind of relationship (husband and wife, parent and child, brother and sister, friend and friend, boss and employer, etc.) to see any challenge, dispute or disagreement as an opportunity to learn more about themselves.  Instead of feeling consumed and drained by whatever is going on, learn to feel and act empowered and how to practice effective ways to communicate.  All sessions are non-judgmental, compassionate and solution focused.

  • Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis: As a Connecticut State Certified Hypnotist and Nationally Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I work with clients with behavioral issues such as smoking cessation and weight loss as well as  anxiety, insomnia and depression.   It is an alternative to traditional therapy that reinforces the power of how thoughts affect feelings and behavior.

  • Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy - Have you ever had the feeling that you may have known someone you just met? Or that you lived in a different place in a different time? Have you spent time exploring issues from your current Life theme or pattern? Are you curious about reincarnation, who you might have been in a previous life or if you have unfinished business from a past lifetime? Past life regression hypnotherapy helps people explore their prior lifetimes. The insights from these experiences usually result in a broader life understanding which can help to deal more effectively with current and chronic life problems.

  • Hypnosis for Weight Loss - Are you tired of being stuck at your current weight? Want to stop feeling uncomfortable when you look in the mirror or see yourself in a photo? Whether you need to lose weight to improve your health and energy, feel better about yourself or you just want to look better, this class will help you succeed. Hypnosis is a natural and normal state of mind in which the body experiences physical relaxation while the mind remains clear, open and suggestible. Learn to access and change your subconscious mind that has been sabotaging your success and preventing you from following through on your intentions. Most of our decisions and actions come from the part of the brain that goes beyond our conscious awareness. Be hypnotized to eliminate cravings, control your portions, eat less, or break free of eating out of stress or emotional eating. You can hypnotize yourself to eat any food you crave, but in amounts that will continue to help to help you lose weight or to keep it off. Each session includes a guided meditation that will be recorded and emailed to then listen to regularly.

  • Energy Medicine – Intuitive Psychic Development - Energy Medicine puts a language to the life force energy that runs through and around us, often referred to as chi, a universal energy that permeates everything around us. We are all senders and receivers of energy. These sessions guide you to know and work with your own energy as well as learn how to release the energies of others. Receive support to understand and work with your own intuitive psychic abilities in Daily life, clairvoyance, clear audience, Claire sentience, omnipotence, Claire cognizance, and Claire aliens are all abilities of our psychic Soul energy body. These abilities are enhanced through learning to know and work with your energy body. Experience your grounding cord, chakras, energy channels, Aura and boundaries and Learn to run your energy. Examine energy blocks and understand their origin; learn effective release techniques; set and maintain healthy boundaries with yourself and others; protect your energy field. Know where your energy ends and others begin. In these private sessions you will receive guidance exercises and support to get past what has been holding you back. These private sessions are chock full of make sense information. Enjoy rapid and significant progress in health and vitality. Each session has a guided exercise reinforcing the content of the session and will be recorded an email the following day to then be listened to regularly.

  • Wedding and Baby Blessing Ceremonies: I provide distinctive and personalized wedding ceremonies and baby blessings. You can find out more here.